Forum rules
  • 1. General terms and recommendations
  • 1.1. Site - private resource. While here, you agree to follow these Rules.
  • 1.2. The Magicsea Online Forum is dedicated to the Magicsea Online project of the same name.
  • 1.3. The forum is post-moderated, i.e. addition of messages occurs at once, and their moderation later.
  • 1.4. The order in the forums is monitored by Moderators and Administrators. Moderators exercise control over the forums assigned to them, can edit, delete messages and topics, close and transfer topics, apply various penalties to participants - warning, pre-moderation, Read Only( prohibition of writing messages), account blocking (ban). Administrators have all the rights of Supermoderators and Moderators for all forums and can additionally make any changes to the forum.
  • 1.5. All messages Express the views of their authors. The opinion of the administration may not coincide with the opinion of the author. If you believe that any messages contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation, contain commercial secrets, or are capable of causing damage to individuals or legal entities, you can inform the Moderators or the forum Administration.
  • 1.6. Adhere to the already established culture of communication on forums We create our own environment. We will be polite and friendly to each other! If you see violations of the Rules or you are provoked by other forum members, do not follow the lead of violators, click the "Report" button. The rest is the responsibility of the resource Administration.
  • 1.7. if you made a mistake, for example, duplicated a message, accidentally sent a response to the wrong place, or sent an empty message, then use the "Edit" or "Delete" message button. Do not write new messages and comment on your mistakes, and apologize for such a flood.
  • 2. User Name ("nickname", "nickname", "login", "account") and profile data.
  • 2.1. Nickname:
  • 2.1.1. Your nickname is your personality. Perhaps, if you become a regular user of forums, it will be your business card, talking about you and your level. If you don't want to fight for the fact that you are called that way, and not be one of many, choose the original nickname (within the Rules and common sense). Of course, you can also sign with your real name - this is your own business. You can't change your nickname.
  • 2.1.2. Registration of difficult-to-pronounce nicknames (such as Klmn454824IOIoo) is not recommended.
  • 2.1.3. Double registration is Prohibited, i.e. registration of two or more nicknames for one user for any reason, especially if the "Read Only" mode is set or your nickname is blocked (banned). If such nicknames are detected, they will be blocked without warning. Violation of this rule is punishable by ban of the second nickname and punishment of the first.
  • 2.1.4. It is forbidden to double check an already existing nickname, i.e. nick, who is a full or partial visual double of the existing one (including those obtained by replacing Russian letters with similar writing and Vice versa). If such a nickname is detected, it can be blocked at the request of the owner of the original name.
  • 2.1.5. It is prohibited to register nicknames, which contain:
  • - rude, offensive and obscene expressions and pseudo-graphics, as well as calls to violence and violation of the law (in any language and in any form);
  • - any contact information: phone numbers, website addresses, e-mail, ICQ, etc., as well as combinations of characters that can be regarded as such data;
  • - explicit or hidden ads.
  • 2.2. Avatar:
  • 2.2.1. Do not place the avatar, containing the:
  • - rude, offensive and obscene expressions and images, as well as calls to violence and violation of the law (in any language and in any form);
  • - explicit or hidden ads.
  • 2.3. Signature and status.
  • 2.3.1. Prohibits signatures and statuses containing:
  • - more than 3 lines;
  • - explicit or hidden ads;
  • - images are too large.
  • 2.4. Profile:
  • 2.4.1. If possible, fill in the maximum number of fields in your profile. This will help us contact you in the future and get additional information about you that may be useful in solving your problems.
  • 2.4.2. It is Forbidden to post information in the profile containing rude, offensive and obscene expressions and images, as well as calls to violence and violation of the law (in any language and in any form).
  • 3. The language of the forum
  • 3.1. The official language of the forum is Russian. Messages in other languages are highly discouraged and may be deleted.
  • 3.2. The use of other languages in the signature is allowed.
  • 3.3. Far-Fetched mistakes and deliberate malicious non-compliance with the rules of the Russian language (including abuse of the so-called "padonkov language") are PROHIBITED. For excessive use of so-called "albinismo" may be followed by RO.
  • 4. General Rules for creating topics and messages.
  • 4.1. Before creating a new topic or message, you should carefully read the rules adopted in this section.
  • 4.2. The name of the topic should be as informative as possible, so that the topic name is already clear to other users.
  • 4.3. Creating duplicates of messages and topics is prohibited. If you mistakenly created a topic or message in the wrong section where you planned (or realized that you made the wrong choice), do not create similar topics or messages in another section. Contact the moderator - they will move your topic or message to the correct section.
  • 4.4. If you see that someone violates the rules on the forum (created a duplicate of an existing topic, aggression or flood in messages, incorrect location of the topic, etc.), do not create new messages about it - just contact the Moderators, they will take action.
  • 4.5. Messages that contain grammatical and / or syntactic errors may cause a negative reaction from forum participants. Try to write correctly.
  • 4.6. Prohibited overt and covert brutality, rudeness, insults.
  • 4.7. It is prohibited to use foul language, both explicit and hidden, including for special characters.
  • 4.8. It is Prohibited to provoke a conflict, as well as to respond to a provocation. If you believe that you have been insulted (humiliated, otherwise violated your rights or the rules of the forum) report this fact to the Moderator. It will take the necessary measures against the violator.
  • 4.9. The name of the topic and the messages:
  • 4.9.1. Replacement of Russian letters like English;
  • 4.9.2. Writing topics and posts in CAPITAL LETTERS;
  • 4.9.3. writing messages in uppercase and lowercase letters mixed together ("this way") or letters of different alphabets ("sleduyim obraz").
  • 4.10. Subject names and messages overloaded with punctuation marks (more than three in a row) are Prohibited, for example :"what happened????????".
  • 4.11. Do not abuse the quoting (overkvoting). You don't need to quote your opponent's messages in full.
  • 4.12. It is Strictly forbidden to discuss the actions of representatives of the Administration. If you do not agree with the actions of the Administration representatives, contact any Moderator of the section where the incident occurred. The complaint will be reviewed, and if your complaint is found to be justified, disciplinary measures will be applied to the Administration representative. If you have not received a response to your complaint from the Moderator within two or more days, contact technical support.
  • 4.13. Any materials of erotic or pornographic content may be removed from the forum without warning, at the discretion and in accordance with the moral principles of the moderators.
  • 5. The statuses and user groups
  • 5.1. A group of users:
  • 5.1.1. Users;
  • 5.1.2. Moderators;
  • 5.1.3. Administrators.
  • 6. System of punishments
  • 6.1. Punishments are assigned by the Moderator for non-compliance with the rules of the forum and / or additional rules of the section.
  • 6.2. Penalties are of the following types:
  • 6.2.1. Warning. This type of punishment is the first penalty and is imposed for non-compliance with the rules of the forum.
  • 6.2.2. "Read Only"or "RO". The "Read Only" status is a measure of responsibility for malicious and / or repeated non-compliance with the forum Rules and is applied along with Warnings for violation of the forum Rules. The "Read Only" status can be assigned to a participant for various periods, depending on the Moderator's decision. This status means that a forum member cannot leave messages on any of the forum sections.
  • 6.2.3. Ban. Ban is the highest penalty for forum participants. It is issued in exceptional cases and is the result of repeated or intentionally gross violation of the forum Rules.
  • 6.3. In the event of a situation that does not fall under any of the points of the rules, The representative of the Administration has the right to act at its discretion.
  • 6.4. If you do not agree with the imposed penalty, you can appeal it by contacting any Supermoderator or technical support.
  • 6.5. The decision on punishment made by the forum Administrator or Supermoderator is final and cannot be appealed.
  • 7. File
  • 7.1. The forum allowed you to upload pictures and files.
  • 7.1.1. The following file types are allowed for uploading: .jpg, .jpe, .jpeg, .gif,. png;
  • 7.1.2. The file Name can only consist of numbers and letters of the English alphabet.
  • 8. Changing the Rules of the forum
  • 8.1. Magicsea Online Forum reserves the right to change (Supplement, modify and cancel) certain positions at any time at its sole discretion.
  • 8.2. Such changes will be effective when posted.
  • 8.3. It is the responsibility of the forum participants to monitor changes in the forum Rules in a timely manner. Ignorance of the Rules does not release forum participants from responsibility for their violation.
  • 9. Acceptance of the rules
  • 9.1. Your Use of the Magicsea Online forum means that you accept the established rules.
  • 9.2. If you do not agree with these rules, do not use the Magicsea Online forum.